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2017-07-10 min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 10, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Clerk Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian. Jon Fudeman absent.

7:30 PM   The clerk opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex. Advisory Cmte. members present were Chair John Shipman, Wayne Adams, Bill Lawton, Don Schoeny and Judy Dino. Also, Sue Mitchell for the Conservation Commission; John Rowell and Phil Grancewicz.
        Nina N. explained the Reserve Fund tracking sheet which was distributed and which outlined transfers necessary to balance out budget line items for the close of FY’17. Some payment methods may be easier if consolidated, such as the assessor’s/BoH clerk, is on a schedule to draw salary from three different accounts (given her work in 3 different subjects). As some accounts ran short at end of fiscal year, transfers from the Reserve Fund were needed, and required the approval of the Adv. Cmte.—before July 15.
        The Adv. Cmte. voted all in favor to transfer $3,999.58 from the Reserve Fund acct. #01-5-132-780 in accordance with MGL Dh. 40, Sect. 6 into Retirement acct. # 01-5-911-001 and to transfer $101.99 plus $15,603.68 for various cable franchise costs; $2,875.20 for police union salaries owing to the Marcotte investigation (balance of $27k in cost absorbed by other unspent police line items); $3,810.13 for ambulance readiness; $0.01 for street lights; and, $1,583.50 for veterans’ service needs.
Then, the selectmen and Adv. Cmte. members each voted all in favor to approve a transfer of $818.40 from the Admin. Assist. Acct. to the Assessors Clerk Acct. and the required documents were signed.
8 PM   Group considered proposed dates on the Special Town Meeting Calendar. BoS voted all in favor to set Sept. 7, 2017 at 7 PM in T.P. Cafeteria for the STM, plus Aug. 7 as deadline for warrant articles from departments and citizens petitions. This STM is needed to give the town legal authority to take land by eminent domain for the proposed ROW for the East Princeton Route 140 roadway/bridge upgrade.
        It was noted that the project is moving quickly because of a concerted effort by the Road Advisory Committee, the DPW and GPI (engineers). Judy D. mentioned that much of the preliminary communication has been done, as abutters have been contacted and public meetings have been held. It is anticipated that bids could be advertised in 2017-18 and work onsite completed by 2019-20. Landowners may be asked to donate the strips and patches of land involved, as it would expedite the project, which will ultimately increase property values.
8:20 PM  John S. announced that the Adv. Cmte. hearing for the STM will be held on Sept. 5.
        Selectmen act as the town’s highway commissioners, and as such have been petitioned by residents around Merriam Road to create a 3-way stop sign at the T-intersection of Gregory Hill and Merriam roads. Drivers are being directed by new GPS systems to use Merriam as a through road across town, and it’s not adequate or safe for speedy traffic. Selectmen voted all in favor to have the three stop signs installed as a measure to slow traffic.
8:25 PM  The board focused on the Charter Cable Franchise and a letter to Karen Charles Peterson, commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications & Cable. It requests a 60-day extension to mid-September for the issue of a final license, and to waive a provisional license. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the letter as written and authorize the T.A. to finalize a license with Charter Communications.
Selectmen reviewed a memo from the building inspector, Rich Breagy, who toured Princeton Center with F.D. Dep. Chief Tim Kelly recently. Rich B. summarized his opinion of the building's condition since the problems are obvious and problematic. Noting that the cost for all necessary testing—for mold, asbestos, PCBs etc.-- will probably approach the cost of demolishing the building. Edith had brainstormed with Nina as to alternatives for the building’s tenants or for scaling down the building’s spaces. Jon F. forwarded an email supporting the opinions of the two inspectors that the building was unilaterally unsafe, and should be shut down within a firm deadline of not much more than 30 days, since the town has had ample time to correct defects which have been known for years. During Nina’s communication with Jon, he was interested to discussing any actions at the July 20th meeting, when a full board was present. The Board agreed that this issue was serious and required further discussion. The group is planning a walk-through on Wednesday, July 17 at 3:30 PM with the inspectors and P.C. manager Linda Farineau, along with BOS and the P.C. Mgmt. Committee. The issue will be on the next BOS agenda for further discussion.
8:45 PM  It was noted that IT part-timer Brian Podesta is resigning for another job, and his last day is Aug. 16. Nina reported her efforts to share an IT staff member with Westminster or other communities, but will post the position in the meantime. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to post the IT position.
        Nina reviewed correspondence and outlined a letter from Mass. Broadband Institute Chairman Peter Larkin in which he noted the reasoning for not reimbursing Princeton for its ‘make-ready’ work, with over $1 million spent by the town. Town officials had been counting on a grant from MBI for just under $1 million, and that grant is now going to the cable operator—Charter Communications. Nina insisted that it is still a case worth pursuing and that the informal group consisting of Jon F., John Rowell, and Marty Dell’Erba have a meeting on the 12th to discuss further.
        She also explained the details of a letter to the WRSD superintendent regarding the fact that all towns in the region have not accepted the school budget as yet.
        There was some discussion around a request from WRSD to have Princeton purchase LED lights for the gym at T.P. School, for a cost of about $6,000. Selectmen want to see if the other towns have done so to make sure such an expenditure is equitable.
        Nina also briefly reviewed progress of the Bagg Hall chimney repair and the library roof repair project. It was reported that resident Roger Vaughan made a $200,000 donation to T.P. School, which went to WRSD but may only be spent at T.P.
9:10 PM         The board voted all in favor to invoke the state Ethics Commission “rule of necessity” to sign Warrant FY’17-27 as it includes the stipend paid annually to selectmen. They voted all in favor to approve minutes for June 26.
9:20 PM  The board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Reserve Fund tracking sheet and transfer documents; Special Town Meeting Calendar; petition from Merriam Road area residents; letter to Mass. Department of Telecommunications & Cable; memo from building inspector; email from Jon Fudeman; Brian Podesta resignation letter; letter from Mass. Broadband Institute Chairman Peter Larkin; letter from DESE

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department